Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So I was thinking I quit smoking on December  20th, but I actually quit on December 19th. As of today I am smoke free. It has been a long hard year, but I have made it. I have gone through depression, anger, and then there is the times when I am so proud of this accomplishment. I pray that anyone reading my blog that is has an impact on there life. Smoking leads to horrific diseases. My life with COPD has at times been non existent, sometimes I just feel like I live in a bubble. While COPD will not go away, it will not get worse and can improve some with proper medications. My father died with lung cancer because he smoked for years and I miss him so much. When he got sick he asked me and my siblings to try hard to quit smoking I didn't take heed. I smoked another 11 years after his death. Today I do know what he was talking about. I just hope this impacts someone's life in a way that they want a better quality of life for them and their family. I thank my family and friends for all the support I have received in this year, for putting up with me through the thick and thin. ONE YEAR SMOKE FREE !!!!